Teacher Training

Welcome to Expert-Velocity.net Teacher Training.

Use the information and videos here to achieve everything you need on the Expert-Velocity.net instructional platform.

1: Add user to platform

Add a new user to the platform.

2: Add user to your course

You MUST add a user to the platform BEFORE you can add them to the course. See other video for instructions.

3: Access student details

Want to send a message to you student? Access their course feedback? See when they last logged in? And more? It’s all here waiting for you.

4: Student journey (pathway)

If you are hosting your course with us at expert-velocity.net, then there are two ways (pathways) that your student can take…

1: www.expert-velocity.net

Students will see any courses we have placed on the home page before they login. The specific courses we feature change from time-to-time.

2: https://expert-velocity.net/login/index.php

Students see a login page only (no courses), before logging in.

In both cases (pathways) your students will ONLY see the courses they have registered for after logging in. If that all sounds confusing (I get it) just try the two different url’s and it will all make sense.

Or watch this short video…

Select your preferred student path.

5: Add a Calendar event

Note: You will need Teacher level access to the course to be able to create events.

Creating an event is relatively straight forward. Click on ‘Go to Calendar’ inside the Calendar widget, and add your event there. Watch the video for specific steps.

Can’t find what you are looking for?

Contact me here with your request, and I’ll get back to you with the solution. The more detail you can provide me the better (screenshots can be massively helpful here, so please do include them).

