Interview: John Williams
I am delighted to have the best-selling author of ‘Screw Work Let’s Play’, and ‘Screw Work Break Free’ – John Williams (no relation) with us…
We focus on Business Investigation. John reveals this 5 key elements to test your business concepts with minimal financial investment before you commit at a deeper level. This is smart learn startup principals in action.
We cover a wide variety of topics, which include;
- Bring Your Genius
- Money
- The Value proposition
- Best question to ask at the beginning of a new biz
- 5 day challenge
- Tweaking matters
- Fail fast
- Play ideas out
- Power of Play
- Rapid prototyping
- The Sport of business
- If you life depended on it…
- Product Story
Select either the video or podcast below (also available via your favourite podcast app)…
Which element of the interview got you thinking most about your own business, let me know?